aiFind: Deal Report for perm

aiFind: Deal Report for perm

Deal report for perm

We have provided you with a new report that gives you an overview of the deals that have been closed (perm) in aiFind. Filter per user and in any time period to see which deals have been closed. Administrators also have the option to export these reports to further work with them or pass them to accounting.

Shortlist Filter

If you want to add candidates to a shortlist from the search, now “only mine” lists will be displayed. If necessary, you can use the switch at the top right to set that you see all lists. This ensures that you can see your latest shortlists and build up your pools even more efficiently.

Reporting: Job statistics

We have added a new column “Priority” to the job statistics, which you can also filter by. This should make it easier to assign and analyze your jobs.

Launch bar and Task Planner

We have modified the Launch bar in the upper right corner and brought back the Task Planner. Now you won’t miss any information or meetings.